Custom Programming, Meal Plans, Vitamin/Supplement Plans & Accountability Check-ins

Having Trouble...

Losing Weight?

You have tried EVERYTHING but you can't seem to lose any weight...

Gaining Muscle?

You feel sore after every workout but aren't seeing any growth...

Relieving Pain?

Your job is causing you pain that just doesn't seem to ever go away. Constantly ruining your daily life and quality of sleep...

Some of my past clients had similar problems!


“I had a shoulder injury which had led me to needing an open-shoulder Latarjet surgery and Coach Noah has been helping me with a mixture of a post surgery rehabilitation program, strength and conditioning program, and a kickboxing program. As we progress through rehab and I couldn’t be happier with Noahs knowledge and expertise in body mechanics. He has helped me exponentially in many ways but especially with building confidence again in the use of that shoulder. He is a great guy and an even better Coach. “

- Rylan


"Hey Noah, just wanted to send a quick note to thank you for our tremendous sessions to date.  I really appreciate your approach to helping me get back into shape and live my best me.  I already feel physically stronger and my wife Kristin thinks I look healthier and that the endorphins are kicking in and I'm in better spirits.  Thanks"

- Kyle


"Coach Noah's weight loss program was a game-changer for me. His personalized approach to nutrition and exercise enabled me to shed pounds consistently and sustainably. Not only that, he has improved my mobility resulting in a significant transformation and improved overall well-being."


Noah Duffee (BSc ’22) is a high-level strength and conditioning coach who has dedicated his life to the study and pursuit of physical performance and health. He believes that the development of one’s physical body is the key to unlocking your greatest potential in all aspects of life.

With 13 years of kickboxing/combat sport experience, 10 years of personal strength and conditioning, 5 years of coaching, and a formal Bachelor of Science in Honours Kinesiology degree from the University of Waterloo, Noah’s mission is to use his deep understanding of health and wellness to improve your life. Using this knowledge, he has proven capabilities in providing tailored and customized exercise programming to any individual who is searching for guidance and direction achieving any type of fitness goal.

No matter what level you’re at, from having never trained to elite athletes looking to improve their game to the highest level, Noah is here to guide you to reach your highest physical and mental potential.


Body Composition

Increase muscle, decrease fat, and achieve the physique you strive for.

Relieving Daily Pain

Increase mobility/stability and relieve any pain you have endured from work or other activities in your life.


24/7 email support about any subject regarding your physical health – over 10 years of knowledge at your fingertips



Step 1: Personalized Assessment Of Needs

During our initial consultation, we'll take the time to get to know you on a deeper level, understanding your unique needs and aspirations. We'll learn more about who you are, your occupation and the driving force behind your desire for positive change. Your fitness aspirations will be thoroughly explored, whether it's fat loss, muscle gain, improved quality of life, or other goals. We'll explain why choosing us as your fitness partner will provide the support and guidance you need to succeed. By assessing crucial details like your training availability, past experience, and any limitations, we can design a program tailored to your lifestyle and capabilities.


Step 2: Receive Fully Customized and Tailored Exercise Programming

Once we've got all the vital insights from our assessment, it's time to roll out your fully personalized exercise program. I'm going to do what I do best - designing a plan that's tailor-made for you, your goals, and your unique strengths. Starting every Sunday, you'll receive your week's programming, meticulously crafted to bring out the best in you. We're talking about a holistic approach, covering everything you need - mobility, targeted exercises, and a thoughtful recovery plan. It's all about motivating you to push your boundaries and make progress like never before.


Step 3: Daily Accountability Check ins and Weekly Zoom Calls With Your Coach

We want to make sure you stay on track every step of the way. That's why we provide daily email check-ins that'll keep you focused and accountable. Shoot us a quick email, sharing your health habits for the day and how your workout went. The good and the bad! Not only that, we also bi-weekly zoom calls to go more in depth on how your training is going. We'll schedule a 30 minute face-to-face session where we dive deep into everything health-related. This is your time to ask questions, seek guidance, and share your triumphs and struggles.


Step 4: Adjustments and Customization of Diet and Supplementation

Finally, we will fine-tune your nutrition and supplementation for peak performance. We'll analyze your daily diet, suggest goal-specific supplements, and adjust your macros accordingly. Our simple and effective approach ensures you get the precise fuel needed to excel in all aspects of life. With our guidance, you'll experience remarkable transformations, reaching new heights and unleashing your full potential.

Get In Touch

Get In Touch

E: | P: +1 548-490-9275


P: +1 548-490-9275